Do my new trainers make me run faster?
This is a trial to find out if my new shoes make me run faster. I'm going to time in minutes how long it takes me to run 10k.
Does eating an apple a day keep the doctor away? This trial aims to find out. You'll be randomised to either eat an apple a day or eat apples as you normally do.
Frequent sugar intake in coffee is a common cause of dental caries (decay). Aspartame is an artificial sweetener and does not cause caries. I would like to know whether using aspartame instead of sugar ...
We will try to find out if any type of beg to a superior force (be it "God", "Destiny", "Yoda" or whatever guides your life) can help your sport team to win games.
My grandmother suffered a stroke 5 years ago and is cared for at home. She previously suffered persistent bedsores until a sheepskin rug was placed in her bed for her to lie on 3 ...
I'm interested to know whether sending emails to people in bold text will increase or decrease the average amount of time it takes to receive a reply. To calculate the average amount of time, ...
The GI of porridge supposedly allows its' energy to be released relatively slowly, but can leave you hungry. Fruit, being higher in GI should be more 'satisfying' soon after you eat it. So, by ...
This is a trial to see which lotion is best at preventing stretchmarks in pregnancy. We'll ask you to use one or the other of Cocoa Butter or Magic Oil. If you're signing up, ...
Each group was taught a different memory aid
"Baristas" in Popular Coffee Shops will frequently give you your beverage "on the house" if you manage to stand out from the crowd by showing basic courtesy and remembering that human dignity is, you ...
"Baristas" in Popular Coffee Shops will frequently give you your beverage "on the house" if you manage to stand out from the crowd by showing basic courtesy and remembering that human dignity is, you ...
I did this trial in order to see if the amount of messages I send affect how much I sleep, as some people say being on your phone too much can cause bad sleeping ...
The presence of police officers can cause two kinds of responses - one of safety because they are there to look out for you, and one of insecurity because there must be a reason ...
Nejen babské rady tvrdí, že kocovina je kvůli nedostatku vody. Cílem tohoto experimentu je zjistit, zdali nás konzumace vody ve větším než malém množství zachrání.
Subject (myself) has been engaged in a cyclic ketogenic diet (90% ketogenic with punctuated high-carb feedings roughly twice a week). Most days subject does not eat breakfast due to lack of hunger, but appetite ...
drink a cup of coffee in the morning, after 3 hours (the average time the caffeine wears off) see how tired you become.
I wanted to test whether bread was responsible for me sometimes feeling bloated
I am interested in learning whether or not making a list of things you are grateful for each morning ( 5 things ) raises your awareness of the good fortune you have in your ...
I am interested in learning whether or not making a list of things you are grateful for each morning ( 5 things ) raises your awareness of the good fortune you have in your ...