Past Trials

(0) Acordar cedo está relacionado a dormir cedo?

Buscaremos entender se existe uma relação entre dormir cedo e acordar cedo, como sugere o senso comum.

(0) Does walking to school make you tired?

Walking and tiredness

(0) Sleeping late and speed of mental arithmetic

How sleep affects how fast your brain can work

(0) Music and it's effect on mood

Music effect

(1) How does the amount of Whatsapp messages sent affect number of hours slept while going to bed at 10pm?

I did this trial in order to see if the amount of messages I send affect how much I sleep, as some people say being on your phone too much can cause bad sleeping ...

(0) Does water quench your thirst better than sport drinks?

This is a trial about whether or not water hydrates you better than a sportive drink during a periods of thirst throughout the day.

(0) Abrir el facebook desde tu movil implica dar likes a posts


(0) Does drinking milk before bed make you hench?

Find out if drinking milk at night makes you hench!

(0) Does flipping the classroom improve students' understanding?

Can the flipped classroom help students understand a new topic? One group will be told to flip the classroom for a given topic, another will teach the topic 'traditionally'. The effectiveness of both methods ...

(0) Does drawing help you remember?

Does drawing help you remember? You will either draw or visualise a complex, unusual image for 5 minutes and then try to remember the details of that image a week later. Which is better, ...

(0) Does eating fruit affect stools?

Does eating fruit affect the quality of our stools?

(0) Giver mælkeprodukter mig maveproblemer?

Jeg tester med dage med og uden mælkeprodukter for at se om jeg får maveproblemer.

(1) How do you remember things?

Each group was taught a different memory aid

(2) Does complementing the barista improve my chances of a free coffee?

"Baristas" in Popular Coffee Shops will frequently give you your beverage "on the house" if you manage to stand out from the crowd by showing basic courtesy and remembering that human dignity is, you ...

(0) Do I play chess better in a dress?

I'm bad at chess because I don't know what my opponent is thinking. Some psychologists have found that putting yourself in a woman's shoes can make you better at mindreading, and some others have ...

(0) Does caffeine in the morning help you later on in the day?

We wish to study whether a single dose of caffeine provides sufficient energy throughout the day. This trial is open to all regular drinkers of caffeinated beverages, whether tea, coffee, cola, energy drinks, or ...

(0) How is cognitive ability affecting religious beliefs?

Are people capable of learning something, even if they do not want to. Is it worthwile to spend a lot of time and effort to talk about issues that seem not debatable to a ...

(0) Cat ladies: Does having cats increase a woman's chance of being single?

Calling all cat ladies! There seems to be a popular misconception that the number of cats a woman has is directly proportional to the chance of her being single ...the more cats, the more ...

(0) Do I play chess better in a dress?

I'm bad at chess because I don't know what my opponent is thinking. Some psychologists have found that putting yourself in a woman's shoes can make you better at mindreading, and some others have ...

(0) Does calling Sally or Bob make me feel happiest?

Trial to see which of my two friends, Sally and Bob, makes me feel happiest